Large enamelled pieces

I’ve loved making so many enamelled copper earrings in blues and greens of every shade. I’d love to know why they were so popular at this time. Was it because you can wear a pair of stud earrings with a face mask or is it just because people needed a pop of colour on their ears when long dangling earings were just not practical. Who knows, but If my Etsy shop sales are a sign of what’s going on in the outside world, then people are starting to get more adventurous again and wanting new things to wear.

These quieter days have given me time to work on new ideas. These large copper brooches gave me more room to play. Adding texture to the copper with a big hammer and steel punches was also great for stress relief!

Layers of different colours were built up to give the different effects. Yes they were experimental and I did have fun - which sometimes you just need, especially when the world around you seems so different.